Benvinguts! Wellcome!

Ja fa tres anys que a l'Escola Rocaprevera vam iniciar el Projecte Arts. Els alumnes de 3r, 4t, 5è i 6è de primària reben les classes d'Educació Visual i Plàstica en llengua anglesa. Engrescats pels bons resultats obtinguts, aquest curs l'hem començat a introduir a l'ESO.
Aquest bloc pretén ser un recull dels treballs més significatius realitzats pels alumnes, des de 1r de Primària fins a 4t d'ESO.
El nom del nostre bloc és un petit homenatge al gran pintor Vincent Van Gogh i a la seva extraordinària obra. Com podeu observar, el fons també està inspirat en les creacions de Gustav Klimt.

divendres, 6 de juny del 2014


Perspective drawing is a technique used to represent three-dimensional images on a two dimensional picture plane. When we want to draw a real object in a paper we try to represent the depth in a flat surface. This surface has only two dimensions, while the object has three dimensions. How can we do it? The answer is: using perspective.

Perspective is to painting what the bridle is to a horse, the rudder to a ship... There are three aspects to perspective. The first has to do with how the size of objects seem to diminish according to distance; the second, the manner in which colours change the farther away they are from the eye; the third defines how objects ought to be finished less carefully the farther away they are” (Leonardo da Vinci).

Look at the image and verify Leonardo’s observations:
  • Do all the objects seem to diminish according their distance to the viewer?
  • Do the colours change the farther they are from the viewer’s eye?
  • Do the objects less accurate the farther they are?
Picture 1

Look at  picture 2. It shows the linear perspective of the image above. Pay attention at the next points:

  • All the lines join in a point called over the horizon line. This point is called vanishing point.
  • Shapes appear smaller the farther they are.
  • The horizon line appears at the same height that our eye-level.

    Picture 2

    Perspective was developed in the 15th Century by architects. For 500 years, perspective remained one of the basic principles of Western art, until it was challenged by the ideas of the Cubists (for example Picasso) at the start of the 20th Century.
    Knowing and understanding perspective is an essential tool to help anyone improve their drawing technique.

    There are two main elements in perspective drawing:
  • Linear perspective: organizes shapes in space
  • Aerial perspective: atmospheric effects on tones and colours.

We are going to practise linear perspective.


The horizon and the eye level are the axis around which a perspective drawing is constructed.
When we are outdoors, we use the horizon as a point of reference to judge the scale and distance of objects in relation to us.
In perspective drawing, the horizon has to be the viewer’s eye-level.

Look at the next pictures to explore the value of horizon and eye level.
Picture 3
In picture 3, note how all four figures share the same eye level (it’s the same than the horizon line). This suggests that they are all the same height and are standing on the same plane (on the floor). It also suggests that the figures are the same height as any viewer of the picture. As a result, the organisation of scale and distance in the drawing makes good visual sense.

Picture 4
In picture 4, although the figures are still the same size than in picture 1, their eye levels don’t have any relationship to the eye level of the picture. As a result, the scale of the figures is totally confused.

This demonstrates the importance of the horizon/eye level to the organisations of scale and distance in a perspective drawing. It also illustrates the meaning of Leonardo’s words “Perspective is to painting what the bridle is to the horse, the rudder to a ship”.


One point perspective uses a single vanishing point to draw an object. It is the simplest form of perspective drawing, and is the perspective we are going to work with.

Look at the next picture:

Picture 5 

One point perspective has been used to draw a box.

Vanishing points are dots on the eye-level where parallel lines seem to converge and disappear. One point perspective has only one vanishing point. You can see clearly the vanishing point in picture 2.

dimecres, 14 de maig del 2014


"Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty if only we have the eyes to see them"
John Ruskin

One of the functions of visual language is describing things.  Many scientists use pictures to describe and explain nature, especially animals, plants and parts of the human body.

Drawing animals and plants as a science exercise is called "Naturalist drawing".  Those pictures are very realistic, because the author wants to show all the details of the living being he has been drawing.  The aim of the artist is that anyone who looks at the picture should be able to recognize it if they see it in real nature.  The picture is part of the author's scientific work.

We are going to practise Naturalist Drawing.  The first activity will be drawing a leaf of a tree we can find in our school's playground.  Please, pay attention to all the details and try to draw and colour it as it is exactly.

dilluns, 12 de maig del 2014


We have been practising Technical Drawing for some weeks. I know that this part of the subject is difficult, and many of you find it the most boring thing in the world!

As we have drawn lots of polygons, I've thougth it could be a good idea to build 3D polygons. In geometry, they are called polyhedra (polyhedron in singular).

Polyhedra are beautiful 3D geometrical figures that have fascinated philosophers, mathematicians and artists. There are hundreds of polyhedra paper models on this site. And more here.

Our activity will be building a scrapbook icosahedron.  You will find detailed instructions here.

Material required
  • Coloured cardboard
  • Geometric compass
  • Pencil and rubber
  • Scisors
  •  Ruler
  • Glue
You also can follow the instructions given in the next video:

This activity is inspired in Mayalen's "Bola para regalo"

dissabte, 1 de febrer del 2014



                        With 4th grade students we draw our own 3D hands
         The illusion of volumen is great, especially from a distance.

dijous, 30 de gener del 2014


In Art History, many artists have used colours as one of their main issues, especially Impressionists.  They thought that colours could express any emotion, and they painted using colours and all their strengh.

Hundertwasser (1928-2000) is an  Austrian artist who developed his work in different areas, such as architecture, design, clothing or painting.  He always used bright colours in his compositions, creating an special athmosphere in all his artworks.

Here you can see the Hundertwasserhaus, in Viena.  You can appreciate its sinuous shapes and bright colours, as if it was designed and painted by a child.

More examples:

Many paintings:

He also developed his own philosophy of life: he thought that life should be in harmony with nature and the individual creativity.  He named it "Five Skins Theory".


1.     In groups of two, search for some information about the Austrian artist Hundertwasser.  You should make a “prezi” containing the next information:

a.    Biography: interesting facts about his life.

b.    Oeuvre:  different areas in which he worked, characteristics of his artwork, how he used colours...

c.    Philosophy: try to explain the “5 Skins Theory”.

d.    You can add some pictures.

2.    Individually, choose one of his paintings and try to reinterpret it.  Use an A3 cardboard.  Draw it using pencil, and colour it with paintings.

dimarts, 28 de gener del 2014



He was an expressionist, abstract american artist.
He was known for his ACTION PAINTING
He didn't paint using brush strokes, but he poured and
splattered paint on big canvas which he laied on the floor.

We painted as Pollock with students in 3r, and it was great fun.