Benvinguts! Wellcome!

Ja fa tres anys que a l'Escola Rocaprevera vam iniciar el Projecte Arts. Els alumnes de 3r, 4t, 5è i 6è de primària reben les classes d'Educació Visual i Plàstica en llengua anglesa. Engrescats pels bons resultats obtinguts, aquest curs l'hem començat a introduir a l'ESO.
Aquest bloc pretén ser un recull dels treballs més significatius realitzats pels alumnes, des de 1r de Primària fins a 4t d'ESO.
El nom del nostre bloc és un petit homenatge al gran pintor Vincent Van Gogh i a la seva extraordinària obra. Com podeu observar, el fons també està inspirat en les creacions de Gustav Klimt.

dijous, 12 de setembre del 2013


When we read a story, we imagine characters in a different way that other people do.
It happens the same with movies.  Every director creates his own characters to tell the story.  And if two different directors shoot the same story, we can be sure that the results will be quite different.

Do you remember Cruella de Vil, the evil woman in "101 Dalmatians"?  She was drawn by Walt Disney in 1961.

In 1996, Glenn Close was the actress chosen to represent her in a film.
But in 1984 the famous artist Keith Haring painted his own Cruella:

 All of them are different, but they have also some things in common.

Now you have the chance to customize your own character. 


  1. Choose your favourite film - not a cartoon.
  2. Choose a character of the film that you especially like or dislike.
  3. Draw a version of your character.  It must be your version, nor a copy of the original character.  It should be your interpretation of the character.
  4. Write the tittle of the film and name of the character in a corner of the cardboard.
  5. Material needed:  DIN A4 cardboard (half a DIN A3) and felt-tipped pens.
This activity is inspired by Plástica práctica.

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