Benvinguts! Wellcome!

Ja fa tres anys que a l'Escola Rocaprevera vam iniciar el Projecte Arts. Els alumnes de 3r, 4t, 5è i 6è de primària reben les classes d'Educació Visual i Plàstica en llengua anglesa. Engrescats pels bons resultats obtinguts, aquest curs l'hem començat a introduir a l'ESO.
Aquest bloc pretén ser un recull dels treballs més significatius realitzats pels alumnes, des de 1r de Primària fins a 4t d'ESO.
El nom del nostre bloc és un petit homenatge al gran pintor Vincent Van Gogh i a la seva extraordinària obra. Com podeu observar, el fons també està inspirat en les creacions de Gustav Klimt.

dilluns, 15 d’octubre del 2012


There are some photo editors online that let apply photo effects, edit, enhance, filter pictures and photos.

Free photo editor online.  Very easy to use, with no signup necessary.  You can upload and save your pictures in your computer.  The picture can be converted in a drawing, an oilpainting, and old photo, a cartoon...  Hundreds of possibilities!

In the left side there is a menu with all the options:  edit, effects, artsy (art effects), frame, text and goodies. Going to effects, you can transform the picture in a black and white drawing (B&W), a charcoal drawing, change the colours, apply pop-art style, etc.

For example, we can apply "old photo" in "effects":

 The result could be such as this:

Or if we apply "charcoal":

You can also try to transform a selfportrait and you're going to get something like that:


Another online photo editor, with interesting effects, but less than the previous.


It converts bitmap images to vector art.  No signup is necessary to us it, but if you want to save the image you must give your e-mail adress.


One of the best if you want to transform your picture in a painting.  You can use different tools as brushes, coloured spray cans, cannons,... Differents shapes and thickness to get fabulous effects.  Only a problem: some applies aren't free...

 Look for two pictures in the Internet.  One of them must be a landscape, and the other a man or woman portrait.  Transform them using the photo editors online you prefer.  Send the results to me by e-mail, also adding the original pictures.

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