Benvinguts! Wellcome!

Ja fa tres anys que a l'Escola Rocaprevera vam iniciar el Projecte Arts. Els alumnes de 3r, 4t, 5è i 6è de primària reben les classes d'Educació Visual i Plàstica en llengua anglesa. Engrescats pels bons resultats obtinguts, aquest curs l'hem començat a introduir a l'ESO.
Aquest bloc pretén ser un recull dels treballs més significatius realitzats pels alumnes, des de 1r de Primària fins a 4t d'ESO.
El nom del nostre bloc és un petit homenatge al gran pintor Vincent Van Gogh i a la seva extraordinària obra. Com podeu observar, el fons també està inspirat en les creacions de Gustav Klimt.

dimarts, 29 de gener del 2013


Recently, we've been talking about shape, another basic element of the visual language.
We've been doing some activities about shape, paying special attention at edge, outline and inside contour line.

The last work we're going to do is a Cubist Collage using a Picasso's artwork, "Three musicians", as a model.

In this artwork, Picasso didn't use the collage technique, but he painted in Cubist Style and gave the appearence of cut paper.


Do you know who the Cubists were?
Cubism was a truly revolutionary style of modern art developed by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. It was the first style of abstract art which evolved at the beginning of the 20th century in response to a world that was changing very quickly. 
Cubist Artists tried to change conventional forms of representation, such as perspective.  Their aim was to develop a new way of seeing which reflected the modern age. 
The Cubists introduced collage into painting, and they were influenced by art from other cultures, specially African Masks.
Another important Cubist Artist was Juan Gris.

Pablo Picasso - Horta de Sant Joan (oil on canvas, 1909)
Georges Braque - Landscape in l'Estaque (oil on canvas, 1908)

Juan Gris - Le Canigou (oil on canvas, 1921)

Try to learn more about Cubism in
You can also test your knowledges about Cubism here.




Collage is an art technique where the artwork is made from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole.
Collage can include different materials as newspapers, coloured papers, photographs, texts, and also fabric or any kind of object, all them glued to a piece of paper or canvas.

The word "collage" means "to glue" ("coller" in French means "glue"), and was invented by George Braques and Pablo Picasso in the beginning of the 20th Century.  It became an important part of Modern Art.

I'm sure you've done a lot of collage artworks at school, haven't you?

Ok, we can start our work watching the next video (in Spanish):

And we can practise online collage using these multimedia aplications:


It's time to talk about one of the most important artist in Art History.  He was a Spanish painter, he was born in Malaga in 1881 and his name was Pablo Ruiz Picasso.

As you've read above, he was one of the first Cubists, and he also developed collage techniques.

His Artwork includes different Art Periods:
Picasso - The Pan Pipes (1923)
  • Early times (before 1901)
  • Blue Period
  • Rose Period
  • African-influenced Period
  • Cubism
  • Classicism and Surrealism
  • Later works

Can you find an example of any Period in the Internet?  Paste the pictures into a powerpoint .  It should show the next information:
1st slide: Tittle: Picasso's Art Periods.  Autor (your name)
 2nd slide: Tittle: Early times.  Image: a picture from Picasso's early times artwork.  Under the picture, write the name of the artwork.
3rd slide: Tittle: Blue Period.  Image: a picture from Picasso's Blue Period artwork.   Under the picture, write the name of the artwork.
And continue until Later works.
You can find more information here:

When finished, send your powerpoint to Evip's e-mail. 

An amazing game: try to build a Picasso Puzzle of one of his most famous paintings: Guernica.


 As I told, we're going to reproduce Picasso's Artwork "The three musicians" using the collage technique.

You will need:
  • An A3 cardboard (where the collage will be glued)
  • Coloured paper (cardboard, silk paper, tissue paper, wrapping paper...)
  • Newspapers
  • Pictures
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Wax crayons
Have a good time!

diumenge, 20 de gener del 2013

POP ART: ANDY WARHOL. 3r primària

Students of 3r of primària created a "Pop Art" artwork of the American artist Andy Warhol. They used different colour combinations - feltip pens- to colour their own four portraits. Students noticed Warhol’s vibrant use of colour in his images, and they used bright markers for their pictures. 
Do we look like the picture?


Us deixo un vídeo fet per en Fede de 4t d'ESO en el qual mostra tot el procés de disseny de la samarreta que cada any els de 4t venen per finançar el seu viatge de fi d'estudis.
Enhorabona, Fede!

dilluns, 7 de gener del 2013


"QUEREMOS MUSICARTE", un interessant projecte per als professors d'Educació Visual i Plàstica i Música:


We start the 2nd Term with a new project.  I've called  it "Stuff Tales Project" because we're going to film fairytales made with stuff.

Do you remember the work we did last year emulating Hanoch Piven?  We tried to do creative portraits using different kinds of stuff.
The Stuff Tales Project is inspired on another Hanoch Piven's work.  Did you know that he illustrated some fairy tales in the TV program "Una mà de contes"?  Here you have one of them:"Tatxí-Tatxó i la draga Draga"

Hanoch Piven has also cooperated in other tales. One of them, “Un autoretrat?”, tells the story of a boy with TDAH.  That tale was filmed because of La Marató de TV3 in 2008.  You can find it here.  And this is its story script.

Here bellow, there are more stories illustrated by Piven.  You can get some inspiration from them:

They are really very creative and different from the stories we use to watch on TV.


The aim of the project is to shoot and edit a short movie,  and show it to the students in 1st and 2nd Primaria. These are the instructions:

1. Work in groups (3-4 people)
2. Watch some of the Hanoch Piven's movies to get inspired

3. Choose a classic fairy tale.  It must be an easy, not very long story, because it will be explained to the students in 1st and 2nd Primaria.  Here you have some useful links:
Storynory: Fairytales from Brothers Gimm, Perrault, Andersen...  You can listen to the audio and read the transcription of the story.
-  Grimm's Fairytales: 209 written tales collected by Brothers Grimm.
Fables, fairytales and stories: fables from Aesop, Collodi, Andersen, Brothers Grimm and Lewis Carroll.
Written short stories with audio: they are classified by age.
- You can also choose a tale in catalan, but you'll have to translate it, of course!

Before doing anything, you must share your choice with your teacher.

4.  Tale's screenplay or script. It must contain:

  • Characters
  • Dialogues
  • Stuff needed
  • Voic-over/ narrator
  • Music
  • Remember this should be a short movie (maximum lenght 8 minutes)
    You can read the story scripts of “Una mà de contes” in the web page. Perhaps they can be used as a model. The same with the tale chosen: the teacher must know any part of the script before start shooting.

    5. Shooting: filming the movie and recording the voices and dialogues. We will need a video camera and a microphone.
    6. Editing.
    7. Showing.

    Of course, you can ask me any question. If you need, you can write a comment in the blog.
    I think it'll be a nice work to do! So, let's start!

    Good luck!