A Voki is an animated icon. It moves itself and speeches, reading a text you have introduced before. We can use a Voki as a personal image, adding it to our blog or webpage.
First step to create a Voki is going to the webpage
http://www.voki.com. You need to sign up (register). Next, go to "Create" and you'll be able to start.
Many of the images are free, but some of them must be paid (they wear a hat).
There is a tutorial which explains how to do it step by step (in Catalan):
You also can watch this video (in English), that explains clearly the process:
Create your own Voki. Please, choose a
free human character (not a pet or anything else). Your Voki should represent yourself ( how you look like now or you want to be in the future). The background can contain your hobbies or favourite places. Give it a voice in English using your tab. Please, be polite.
Send the result to the teacher's e-mail.
Enjoy it!