In Art History, many artists have used colours as one of their main issues, especially Impressionists. They thought that colours could express any emotion, and they painted using colours and all their strengh.
Hundertwasser (1928-2000) is an Austrian artist who developed his work in different areas, such as architecture, design, clothing or painting. He always used bright colours in his compositions, creating an special athmosphere in all his artworks.
Here you can see the Hundertwasserhaus, in Viena. You can appreciate its sinuous shapes and bright colours, as if it was designed and painted by a child.
More examples:

Many paintings:
He also developed his own philosophy of life: he thought that life should be in harmony with nature and the individual creativity. He named it "Five Skins Theory".
1. In groups of two, search for some information
about the Austrian artist Hundertwasser.
You should make a “prezi” containing the next information:
a. Biography:
interesting facts about his life.
b. Oeuvre: different areas in which he worked,
characteristics of his artwork, how he used colours...
c. Philosophy:
try to explain the “5 Skins Theory”.
d. You
can add some pictures.
2. Individually,
choose one of his paintings and try to reinterpret it. Use an A3 cardboard. Draw it using pencil, and colour it with