Benvinguts! Wellcome!

Ja fa tres anys que a l'Escola Rocaprevera vam iniciar el Projecte Arts. Els alumnes de 3r, 4t, 5è i 6è de primària reben les classes d'Educació Visual i Plàstica en llengua anglesa. Engrescats pels bons resultats obtinguts, aquest curs l'hem començat a introduir a l'ESO.
Aquest bloc pretén ser un recull dels treballs més significatius realitzats pels alumnes, des de 1r de Primària fins a 4t d'ESO.
El nom del nostre bloc és un petit homenatge al gran pintor Vincent Van Gogh i a la seva extraordinària obra. Com podeu observar, el fons també està inspirat en les creacions de Gustav Klimt.

dimecres, 27 de març del 2013

EASTER EGGS. 3r primària

The students of 3r decorated some Easter eggs.

First of all, they boiled two eggs at home and took them to school. In Arts class we explained four different techniques and the students chose which ones they preferred.

-Using star-shaped pasta: they painted the pasta in different colours and let them dry. Then they poured them in different plastic bowls. The second step was to coat the egg with glue and stick the different pieces of pasta on it.  

-Crayon colours: this technique consisted in drawing on the shell with the crayons. The students could choose the design (dots, borders, squares, flags, flowers...)

- Wavy cardboard:
they painted a piece of a wavy cardboard with paint and they rolled the egg across. Then, they allowed the paint to dry, and repeated the same process if they wanted to add more colours. The second step was to paint some petals with toothpicks to create a field of spring flowers.

-Aluminium foil technique: the first step was to crumple a large square of aluminium and then coat the foil with paint. The second step was to set the egg in the center of the foil and wrap it. Once finished, they removed the egg to let it dry. They could repeat it with other colours if they wanted to have a more intensely coloured egg. 

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