Benvinguts! Wellcome!

Ja fa tres anys que a l'Escola Rocaprevera vam iniciar el Projecte Arts. Els alumnes de 3r, 4t, 5è i 6è de primària reben les classes d'Educació Visual i Plàstica en llengua anglesa. Engrescats pels bons resultats obtinguts, aquest curs l'hem començat a introduir a l'ESO.
Aquest bloc pretén ser un recull dels treballs més significatius realitzats pels alumnes, des de 1r de Primària fins a 4t d'ESO.
El nom del nostre bloc és un petit homenatge al gran pintor Vincent Van Gogh i a la seva extraordinària obra. Com podeu observar, el fons també està inspirat en les creacions de Gustav Klimt.

diumenge, 29 de desembre del 2013

Christmas Ornaments. 5è primària

To make this Christmas tree ornament, the students started by cutting 20 colored circles of 6 cm diameter. Then they cut different patterned triangles and some pictures of their families and they glued them to each circle.
The next step was to fold each circle into a triangle, creating three sides. Then, they glued the side of one with the side of another in groupings of five, making 2 “hats”.
Afterwards, they added 10 circles in one “hat” by gluing the folding edges together. Next, they glued the other “hat” to the other side.
The final step was to thread a ribbon through a hole at the top of the ornament.

Now, it’s ready to be hung in your tree!

dimarts, 24 de desembre del 2013

Patterns and dots. Snakes. 5è de primària

The students painted a snake using cotton buds. Firstly, they painted a large black snake curling around a paper, previously painted with rust paint. Then, they printed lines of ochre and brown dots on the snake. The last part consisted of adding white dots around the outline of the snake and printing black and white flowers on the background.

Do you like them?

dilluns, 2 de desembre del 2013


Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa in 1503.  The tecnique is oil on poplar, and the dimensions are 77cmx53cm.  The style of the painting is sfumato, without outlines or borders.
You can see the painting at the Louvre Museum, in Paris.

What do you thing about her?
  • What does she look like?
  • What is she wearing?
  • What can you see in the background?
  • Where is she looking to?
  • Which colours has the artist been using?
  • What do you think she is thinking about?
  • How old could she be?
Now it's your chance to draw and paint your own Mona Lisa.  Try to represent a 21st Century Woman, original and up-to-dated.

Material required:
  • A3 cardboard
  • Pencil, eraser
  • Coloured pencils or felt-tipped-pens