Benvinguts! Wellcome!

Ja fa tres anys que a l'Escola Rocaprevera vam iniciar el Projecte Arts. Els alumnes de 3r, 4t, 5è i 6è de primària reben les classes d'Educació Visual i Plàstica en llengua anglesa. Engrescats pels bons resultats obtinguts, aquest curs l'hem començat a introduir a l'ESO.
Aquest bloc pretén ser un recull dels treballs més significatius realitzats pels alumnes, des de 1r de Primària fins a 4t d'ESO.
El nom del nostre bloc és un petit homenatge al gran pintor Vincent Van Gogh i a la seva extraordinària obra. Com podeu observar, el fons també està inspirat en les creacions de Gustav Klimt.

dilluns, 26 de març del 2012


Papier mâché or Paper mache is an old modeling technique. For example, in Ancient Egypt coffins and death masks were often made of layers of papirus covered with plaster.
This technique uses pieces of paper bound with and adhesive (glue, starch or wallpaper paste). The paper is cut into strips and soaked in the paste. The strips may be placed onto the surface of an armature or skeleton, or they can be placed on an object to cover it. Wet pieces are allowed to dry slowly, and after some layers they can be painted.

I took this idea from krokotak, a Bulgarian webpage full of magic ideas.  We're going to use empty PET bottles to make coloured funny fishes.
We need the next stuff:
  • An empty PET bottle from Coke, Fanta or a similar gas drink (gas drink bottles are stronger than water bottles).  They will be our skeleton.
  • A piece of cardboard
  • Sticky tape.
  • Wallpaper glue.
  • Newspapers.
  • Paintings (if you use tempera, you'll need varnish)
You can follow the instructions in Krokotak.

Girls and boys in 1st ESO have been working in them for a couple of weeks, and some of the results are really  surprising (although some of them could be better!)