Benvinguts! Wellcome!

Ja fa tres anys que a l'Escola Rocaprevera vam iniciar el Projecte Arts. Els alumnes de 3r, 4t, 5è i 6è de primària reben les classes d'Educació Visual i Plàstica en llengua anglesa. Engrescats pels bons resultats obtinguts, aquest curs l'hem començat a introduir a l'ESO.
Aquest bloc pretén ser un recull dels treballs més significatius realitzats pels alumnes, des de 1r de Primària fins a 4t d'ESO.
El nom del nostre bloc és un petit homenatge al gran pintor Vincent Van Gogh i a la seva extraordinària obra. Com podeu observar, el fons també està inspirat en les creacions de Gustav Klimt.

diumenge, 29 de desembre del 2013

Christmas Ornaments. 5è primària

To make this Christmas tree ornament, the students started by cutting 20 colored circles of 6 cm diameter. Then they cut different patterned triangles and some pictures of their families and they glued them to each circle.
The next step was to fold each circle into a triangle, creating three sides. Then, they glued the side of one with the side of another in groupings of five, making 2 “hats”.
Afterwards, they added 10 circles in one “hat” by gluing the folding edges together. Next, they glued the other “hat” to the other side.
The final step was to thread a ribbon through a hole at the top of the ornament.

Now, it’s ready to be hung in your tree!

dimarts, 24 de desembre del 2013

Patterns and dots. Snakes. 5è de primària

The students painted a snake using cotton buds. Firstly, they painted a large black snake curling around a paper, previously painted with rust paint. Then, they printed lines of ochre and brown dots on the snake. The last part consisted of adding white dots around the outline of the snake and printing black and white flowers on the background.

Do you like them?

dilluns, 2 de desembre del 2013


Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa in 1503.  The tecnique is oil on poplar, and the dimensions are 77cmx53cm.  The style of the painting is sfumato, without outlines or borders.
You can see the painting at the Louvre Museum, in Paris.

What do you thing about her?
  • What does she look like?
  • What is she wearing?
  • What can you see in the background?
  • Where is she looking to?
  • Which colours has the artist been using?
  • What do you think she is thinking about?
  • How old could she be?
Now it's your chance to draw and paint your own Mona Lisa.  Try to represent a 21st Century Woman, original and up-to-dated.

Material required:
  • A3 cardboard
  • Pencil, eraser
  • Coloured pencils or felt-tipped-pens

dissabte, 30 de novembre del 2013

PORTRAITS. 5è primària

The students of 5è drew a portrait of one of their classmates.

They had to be very concentrated to make the portrait as close as possible to reality. They worked in pairs. The model had to be calm and relaxed because his partner had to observe every detail of the face very carefully. When they finished, the model turned into a painter and vice versa.

The results were very satisfactory. Do you like them?

dimecres, 20 de novembre del 2013


After some weeks practising the Chiaroscuro Technique with geometric figures and still lives, it's time to try  using it in faces and portraits.
One of the main issues in portrait drawing is how to mantain proportions. Here you have an excellent website called "How to draw a head".  It will be our guide to get our goal.


Choose a celebrity you would like to draw.  Find a black and white picture of his or her head and try to draw it following the instructions you've seen in the website.  After drawing, colour it using the Chiaroscuro Technique.

Good luck!

dimarts, 12 de novembre del 2013


We started working "Basic elements of visual language" drawing and painting with dots.  Now it's time to use lines as main elements in a composition.

In this link you'll find the powerpoint we've been working with.


Draw and colour a landscape using different kinds of lines (wavy, straight, horizontal, curved...).  Try to give the composition a sensation of depht, tracing thicker or thinner lines depending on their distance.  If the part of the landscape that you want to represent is closer, use a thicker line than if it's farther.

Material required:

  •  Coloured pencils and felt-tipped pens
  • Set square, ruler.
  • DIN A4 cardboard with 2cm frame.

You can get inspired by these compositions made by other students (taken from the blog plasticaeso)

dilluns, 11 de novembre del 2013


Finally I've been able to upload the pictures that 1st ESO students took to creat optical illusions. Here they are:


We made these scary bats for Halloween. It was just a cutting and sticking activity, but the result
was amazing.


We have been studying graffitis. We went around Torelló looking for graffitis and observing them. Then we listed out all the characteristics they have in common. Finally, every student drew  its own graffiti.We enjoyed it a lot.

Here you are, the graffitis and graffiters pictures.

dimarts, 29 d’octubre del 2013


Some really gorgeous examples about painting in pointillistic style. Painted by 1st ESO students from a school in Pontevedra:

(Images taken from the blog:

Are you inspired to start with your artwork?

dijous, 24 d’octubre del 2013


A Voki is an animated icon.  It moves itself and speeches, reading a text you have introduced before.  We can use a Voki as a personal image, adding it to our blog or webpage.
First step to create a Voki is going to the webpage  You need to sign up (register).  Next, go to "Create" and you'll be able to start. Many of the images are free, but some of them must be paid (they wear a hat).

There is a tutorial which explains how to do it step by step (in Catalan):
You also can watch this video (in English), that explains clearly the process:


Create your own Voki.  Please, choose a free human character (not a pet or anything else).  Your Voki should represent yourself ( how you look like now or you want to be in the future).  The background can contain your hobbies or favourite places.  Give it a voice in English using your tab.  Please, be polite.

Send the result to the teacher's e-mail.

Enjoy it!

dimecres, 2 d’octubre del 2013


Activity: value scale and chiaroscuro

1.  Grayscale

     1.1. Draw and paint a grayscale in the top of a cardboard.  It should be something like this:

     1.2. In the same cardboard, draw and shade figures 1 and 2 using the tones of the scale.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Material required:

  • A4 Cardboard
  • Soft lead pencil (2B)
  • Eraser

    2.  Chiaroscuro still life

    Choose one of these pictures as a model.  Draw and colour it using chiaroscuro technique.

    Material required

    • A4 cardboard
    • Soft lead pencil (2B)
    • Eraser

    dimarts, 1 d’octubre del 2013



    We painted using straws and blowing.
    We enjoyed it a lot !!

    dijous, 26 de setembre del 2013


    Our new project consists on creating a collection of postcards from our town.
    Postcards should be up-to-date and attractive designed. To achieve our goal we are going to use  Online Photo Editors.

    We are going to start practising with some photo editors that let apply photo effects such as painting, converting into a drawing, an oilpainting or an old picture.

    You will find these photo editors here.

    Postcards from our town, step by step

    1. Think about significant places or monuments in Torelló, for example buildings, churches, squares, streets...
    2. Get a camera and take photos of your theme. Try to be original and to use different points of view.
    3. Choose the photo you think it is the best one.
    4. Apply some photo effects using any online photo editor we have been practising with.
    5. You can also add some text (for example, the name of your theme).
    6. The result should be as attractive as a postcard you could find in a souvenirs shop.
    7. Send the result to the teacher by e-mail.

    Remember:  this is an individual work!

    I hope you enjoy it!


    diumenge, 22 de setembre del 2013


    We have been talking about Visual Perception.
    Now, it's time to start creating Optical Illusions using your camera.

    I suggest you to shoot 1 or 2 pictures playing with your perception.  The aim is getting real images with an unreal appearance.  Something like this:

    You can get inspired by other images like these ones
    Send your pictures by email.

    dijous, 12 de setembre del 2013


    When we read a story, we imagine characters in a different way that other people do.
    It happens the same with movies.  Every director creates his own characters to tell the story.  And if two different directors shoot the same story, we can be sure that the results will be quite different.

    Do you remember Cruella de Vil, the evil woman in "101 Dalmatians"?  She was drawn by Walt Disney in 1961.

    In 1996, Glenn Close was the actress chosen to represent her in a film.
    But in 1984 the famous artist Keith Haring painted his own Cruella:

     All of them are different, but they have also some things in common.

    Now you have the chance to customize your own character. 


    1. Choose your favourite film - not a cartoon.
    2. Choose a character of the film that you especially like or dislike.
    3. Draw a version of your character.  It must be your version, nor a copy of the original character.  It should be your interpretation of the character.
    4. Write the tittle of the film and name of the character in a corner of the cardboard.
    5. Material needed:  DIN A4 cardboard (half a DIN A3) and felt-tipped pens.
    This activity is inspired by Plástica práctica.


    Here we are again.  After the Summer break we start a school year full of changes.

    We meet again practising "Educació Visual i Plàstica". I hope we enjoy the subject together.   I'm sure we will!

    You can read the 2013-2014 school year instructions here.

    Have a good School Year!

    dimarts, 2 de juliol del 2013


    El projecte "Stuff Tales" ja té alguns vídeos a punt.  No tots, però.  Hem tingut dificultats tècniques i també de manca de material (només disposàvem de 2 càmeres domèstiques i una va dir prou al cap d'uns dies).  També hem de dir que el projecte s'ha allargat massa en el temps (ens ha ocupat 2 trimestres sencers!), cosa que les darreres setmanes ha provocat bastant de cansament en els alumnes i un xic de desmotivació.

    De moment, només us podem penjar 2 vídeos: Goldilocks (Rínxols d'Or) i Alice in Wonderland (Alícia al país de les meravelles).  A mesura que ens en vagin arribant, us els anirem mostrant.

    Per cert, el dijous 4 de juliol s'inaugura al Centre d'Arts Contemporànies de Vic l'exposició que mostra tots els treballs participants en el projecte Art i Escola 02.

    Aquí  teniu els contes.  Disfruteu-los!

    Stuff Tales Project has some videos ready.  But not all of them.  We have had some technical difficulties, also lack of material (we had only 2 domestic cameras available, and one of them broke after a few days).  The project has been so long (we've been working in it for 2 whole trimesters!), and the last weeks students were so tired and demotivated.

    By the moment, we only can share 2 movies: Goldilocks and Alice in Wonderland.  If we receive more, we're going to show you them.

    Next Thursday 4th July Centre d'Arts Contemporànies de Vic opens an exhibition showing all the Artworks included in Art i Escola 02 project.

    Here they are.  Enjoy them!

    Podeu veure l'activitat completa aquí.

    Have a look at the complete activity here.

    divendres, 21 de juny del 2013


    S'acaba el curs i finalment podem mostrar els treballs sobre els 125 anys d'història de l'Escola Rocaprevera que han fet els alumnes de 1r d'ESO.

    Es tracta d'un projecte pluridisciplinari que hem portat a terme des de les àrees d'Educació Visual i Plàstica, Informàtica i l'optativa Revista.

    Hi hem treballat durant tot el tercer trimestre.  A grans trets, es tractava del següent:

    1. En petits grups, els alumnes havien de fer una cerca sobre la història de l'Escola Rocaprevera, des de la seva fundació el 1888 fins l'actualitat.  Tenien a la seva disposició un guió de treball i un munt d'informació, des de llibres d'història local fins a webs, documentació d'arxiu, etc.  Cada grup s'havia de centrar en una fase determinada de la història de l'escola.
    2. Cada grup havia de presentar davant la classe els resultats de la seva cerca.  Així tothom tenia la informació necessària per a configurar la història completa de l'escola.
    3. A partir d'aquí, es tractava que cada grup creés un personatge fantàstic que s'imaginaven que feia 125 anys que vivia en algun indret de l'escola.  Havien de descriure el personatge (característiques físiques, psicològiques, lloc on viu, com interacciona amb l'entorn, etc) i dibuixar-lo.
    4. Una vegada escollit el personatge, havien de construir un conte del qual aquest n'és el protagonista.  Calia presentar el conte per escrit.
    5. Il·lustració del conte.  Abans de fer la il·lustració definitiva, calia fer un storyboard, escollir quin tipus d'il·lustracions i tècniques utilitzarien, maquetar-lo, etc.
    6. Finalment, s'ha hagut de digitalitzar el conte i penjar-lo a calameo.

    Podeu veure la webquest a partir de la qual s'ha elaborat el treball aquí.

    Aquí us deixem els resultats.  Ha estat un procés lent i costós, amb moltíssimes dificultats a l'hora de situar-nos en el context històric (l'escola republicana, la Guerra Civil, el Franquisme, l'arribada de la Democràcia...) i incorporar-hi les diferents etapes que ha viscut l'escola (els germans maristes, l'escola franquista, les primeres colònies, la coeducació...).  L'esforç creatiu que hem demanat als alumnes per ta de crear un personatge i fer-ne un conte no sempre ha donat els resultats esperats, com també algunes històries divertides i enginyoses han "perdut" una mica a l'hora d'il·lustrar-les.
    Veureu que les narracions són diverses, algunes amb imperfeccions històriques (què hi farem).  Hi ha qui ha utilitzat molt l'ordinador per il·lustrar-les, i qui s'ha decantat per tècniques més manuals, però pensem que totes tenen la seva gràcia.

    Enhorabona a tothom! 

    dimarts, 11 de juny del 2013


    El projecte dels Graffiti de 4t d'ESO ja ha donat els seus fruits. Ha costat, perquè no hi ha hagut manera que els alumnes dediquessiu temps a la cerca d'informació i d'imatges que us resultessin interessants i inspiradors a l'hora de crear el vostre propi graffiti. De les planificacions que us vaig demanar, només una ha arribat a bon port. La resta de treballs són el resultat de la improvisació, que no és pas mala cosa, al contrari, però que en aquest cas ens ha portat a que, dels 4 graffitis resultants, 3 fossin uns treballs més aviat pobres creativament parlant, sense el missatge que se us va demanar i tècnicament poc elaborats.

    A més de les dificultats tècniques i creatives, el fet de posar en mans d'adolescents uns quants esprais de color ha tingut efectes indesitjables per les parets del pati dels pins. Era d'esperar.

    En fi, aquí els teniu.  Disculpeu la poca qualitat de les fotografies: els he fotografiat quan ja estaven penjats a la paret.

    Com veieu, el ministre Wert no ha tenir cap por sobre el futur del castellà a Catalunya.

    dilluns, 3 de juny del 2013


    El passat dimecres 29 de maig, els alumnes de 2n ESO van presentar el seu treball "Stuff Tales Project" a l'aula magna de la Universitat de Vic, en el marc de les presentacions dels projectes d'Art i Escola 02.

    La Marta, la Mireia, la Laura i en Mark van confegir un Prezi on s'explicava l'evolució del projecte, des de la seva creació fins al moment actual, quan ja hem enregistrat la majoria dels contes i estem començant la fase d'edició.
    L'auditori era ple d'alumnes d'altres escoles i instituts de la comarca que, com nosaltres, presentaven el seu treball.

    Us deixo unes fotografies de la jornada.

    Si en voleu veure més cliqueu aquí.

    Ja ens falta poc per tenir els vídeos a punt.  Esperem poder-los acabar abans de final de curs!

    diumenge, 26 de maig del 2013


    Here we are again!

    It's time to start talking about Color. We only have 3 weeks before the end of the school year!
    The first thing we're going to do is take a look at this power point about color:

    You'll find some exercises about color in The Artist's Toolkit: Primary and Secondary colors.

    Artyfactory is a very interesting Art webpage full of information. Please, read the lesson Color terms 1.


    1. Mixing colors: In an A4 carbdoard, use your compass to draw 9 circles in 3 lines.  Paint 2 circles in every line with 2 Primary Colors (for example blue and magenta), and the third circle with their mixture.  It must be something like this:
    2. Build a Chromatic Triangle:
    3. Painting like Frank Stella:
    Frank Stella is an American painter and printmaker.  He was born in Massachusetts in 1936.  In the 1960's he painted some series of abstract printings using geometric shapes and a great amount of colors.
    Frank Stella, 1962 - Gran Cairo

    Frank Stella, 1967 - Harran II
    Frank Stella, 1966 - Untitled
    Frank Stella, 1968 - Agbatana II

    Frank Stella, 1929 - Tahkt-I-Sulayman Variation II
     You can find more information about him and his artwork in
    My suggestion for you is to create an artwork simulating Stella.  So it is: using geometric shapes and a wide range of colors.